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Corresponding Author
Laode Asrul
a) Departement of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
b) Agrotechnology Magister Program, Hasanuddin University
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar, Indonesia.
This study was conducted at Bua Ponrang and South Larompong, Luwu, South Sulawesi. This study aims to identify the cocoa cultivation characteristics and analyze the loss of income due to inappropriate input of fertilizer at the study sites. In this study, firstly, the data of cultivation characteristics and economic variables (productivity, market price, mixed costs) were collected from 112 farmers using a well-structured questionnaire. Then, the economic analysis was carried out by using NAIL (Net Agricultural Loss Income) analysis to evaluate the loss of income. The results showed that most of the local farmers were prone to use mixed cultivars (M01, S1, S2, 45 BB) as entres, mixed cropping system, 3 x 3 planting distance, and inorganic fertilizer input, and the majority of plant pests and diseases were Conomorpha cramerella, VSD, and rotten disease. The loss of income per productivity (t/ha) in Bua Ponrang were ranging from Rp.5,521,623 to Rp.12,360,859 respectively, while in South Larompong were ranging from Rp.7,313,180 to 10,885,499 respectively.
cocoa, cultivation characteristic, income lost, NAIL
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Edison Edison
Universities Jambi
The main objective of this research were to analyze acreage response of agricultural investments in Jambi soybean production. Study was conducted in Jambi province using secondary data from 1986 – 2017. Acreage response functional form was used to explain and analysis problem of acreage response of soybean production in Jambi. Study was done in 2018. A method of measuring price expectation for analyzing acreage response is used when the influence of price support and market phenomena varies with market conditions. It assumes that the effect of changes in government policies because similar programs for acreage control and price support are likely form of future policies. A method of evaluating support and acreage restriction is developed and tested to see the impact of changing government programs. The results showed that when the support price is much below the expected market price, the truncation effect is negligible and the price support program has only a limited impact on acreage decisions. Alternatively, as the support price levels, the truncation effects become larger, and the resulting impact on acreage decisions is more pronounced.
acreage response, soybean production, and price policy program
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Nurliah -
a. Departement of Agribusiness, Graduate School of Hasanuddin University Makassar
b. Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University Makassar
c. Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University Makassar
Campus Unhas Tamalanrea, Street Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Makassar.[at]
The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of Total Quality Management (TQM) of vegetable products in PanenMart Makassar, based on the principles of total quality management (TQM) consisting of customer satisfaction, leadership, increased sustainability, respect for all people and fact based management. Informants were selected purposively, with a total of 11 respondents consisting of: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operation Officer (COO) and 9 employees involved in the procurement, handling and distribution processes. Data processing using descriptive analysis method with a Likert Scale. The results of this study indicate that, the application of Total Quaity management (TQM) implemented by PanenMart Makassar company is prioritizing customer satisfaction over other variables, namely a score of 94,18% with the interpretation of variables very important.
Total Quality Management, Analytical Hierarchy Process
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Putra Astaman
a) Student of Study Program Agribusiness, Faculty of Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan street KM. 10, Makassar city 90245, South Celebes, Indonesia
*email: utthaastaman[at]
b) Lecturer at the Department of Social Economics of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University
c) Lecturer at the Department Science of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
The demand for eggs in this study is influenced by several factors, namely the price of the item itself, the price of the substitute items. The consumption of animal protein is the most popular among the Indonesian population, among which are purebred chicken eggs. In addition to being easy to obtain, prices are also more affordable for all levels of society. This research was aimed to analyze the effect of chicken egg price, broiler chicken meat price, and tempe price on the demand for chicken eggs of residential consumers in the sub-region of Biringkanaya district in Makassar city. The research method being employed in this study was a survey method. Sampling was conducted through cluster random sampling method, the data collected included the primary data from 60 household respondents through observations, interviews and questionnaires, then the data obtained will be analyzed using Multiple Linear Analysis using a computer program of Statistical Solution of Products and Services. The results of this study showed that the independent variables are price of chicken eggs, broiler chicken meat price and tempe price significantly affected the demand for chicken eggs. While partially that each of the prices chicken eggs and broiler chicken meat are significantly affected the demand chicken eggs, and tempe price not significantly affected.
price, demand, chicken eggs, broiler chicken meat, tempe
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Amanda Pricella Putri
a. Environmental Management Study Program. Graduate School of Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
*email : evizelvi12[at]
b. Faculty of Agriculture of Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
c. Faculty of Forestry of Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
Abstract Carrying capacity of farming land was analyzed so that planning and development of agriculture field can be processed according to land ability. This study aims to determine whether the carrying capacity of the status about agricultural land in the district of Anggeraja surplus or deficit, relations between land capability and carrying capacity of the land, as well as finding an effort to increase the carrying capacity of agricultural land in the district Anggeraja intensive horticulture. The research was conducted in the District of Anggeraja. This type of research is surveys using descriptive methods such as field data collection, data processing field, as well as the mapping method to see land capabilty at the study sites. Agricultural land carrying capacity analysis based on the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment Number 17 Year 2009 and spatial analysis of land capability. The results showed that the District of Anggeraja is surplus status. Surplus for the value of the availability of land (SL) is greater than the value of the land needs (DL) which shows that the availability of land is still sufficient for biological products in District of Anggeraja. Efforts to increase the carrying capacity of agricultural land intensive horticulture includes components the support means include a dam and road infrastructure support including fertilizers and pesticides as well as capital, support land productivity, among others, the selection of seeds, the use of organic fertilizers, and integrated pest management, support conservation of natural resources and the environment, among others, crop rotation, terracing and mounds.
Capability Status of Land, Environment Minister Regulation No. 17 of 2009, Land Capability
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Fadhilah Trya Wulandari
a) Agribusiness Study Program, Graduate School Hasanuddin University, Makassar,
90245, Indonesia
One of the centers of seaweed cultivation in South Sulawesi province is Sinjai regency. Based on the data on the export value approach and the production value of seaweed is known to have margin in the price of export seaweed in Indonesia and there is a price fluctuations at the farmer level. It is therefore assessed necessary to know its influence on seaweed marketing through a marketing analysis approach. The purpose of the study is to know the marketing efficiency of dried seaweed (Eucheuma Spinosum Sp and Glacillaria Sp) in Sinjai County. This study was conducted in Sinjai County, South Sulawesi Province during February to April 2019. The research respondent consisted of a farmer of respondents who amounted to 60 people and 6 marketing institutions. Withdrawal of respondents was done using the purposive sampling method. The analysis of the data on this research consists of a channel analysis approach and marketing institutes, analysis of marketing functions, and analysis of market behavior in a descriptive analysis. In addition, quantitative analysis was conducted through the value of margin marketing approach, farmers share and marketing efficiency analysis. The results of the margin analysis show that channel I has the smallest marketing margin value of Rp 5.500 for the type Glacillaria and Rp 4.200 for the type of Spinosum per kilogram of dried seaweed. The highest share analysis is 35.29% for Glacillaria and 54,34% of Spinosum. From these results shows that farms are more efficient than seaweed market in coastal areas, which is reflected in the marketing margin and farmer share.
seaweed, efficiency marketing, marketing analysis
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
(a) Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
(b) Departement of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
(c) Agribusiness Study Program at Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University
Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Makassar 90245
Smallholder plantations in South Sulawesi Province produce an average of 12.50% of Indonesias Arabica coffee, equivalent to 20.10 thousand tons per year. In 2015 Arabica coffee produced by community plantations in the province reached 20.35 thousand. One of the largest Arabica coffee production centers in South Sulawesi Province is in North Toraja Regency, in 2017 it gave a production share of 10.37% or a total production of 2.11 thousand tons. However, the current problem in North Toraja Regency is the low purchase value of collectors who come directly to farmers gardens and appreciate Arabica coffee of Rp. 18,000 / liter which still has epidermis, if converted to kilograms requires around 2.1 liters, which if the total is only Rp. 36,000 / kg. This study aims to formulate the lowest unit price policy for Arabica coffee in North Toraja Regency which is used as a reference for the average selling price of Arabica coffee (actual price). This research was conducted in North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province using purposive informants, which were analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results showed that the lowest unit price of coffee commodity can be formulated in the amount of Rp. 28,000 / liter still has epidermis by increasing the price received by farmers by Rp. 10,000, by considering prices at the level of traders and companies so that they continue to provide benefits for each marketing institution. With this policy will have an impact on increasing the productivity and welfare of coffee farmers so that the sustainability of coffee commodity farming in Indonesia is increasing.
Arabica Coffee, Fixed Unit Price Fixing, Farmer Income Increase
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Aulia Adisti Indah Sari
Aulia Adisti Indah Sari (a*) , Muh Hatta Jamil (b), Musran Munizu (c)
a. Department of Agribusiness, Graduate School of Hasanuddin University
b. Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
c. Departmen of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Makassar.
Marketing and communication are two inseparable things. Marketing activities can not work well without good communication within them. The development of agribusiness activities, in addition to the synergy between the actors of the company, also requires a marketing system. For example, collaborate on digital technologies via an e-commerce approach. E-commerce is a buying and selling mechanism using the Internet as a means of meeting buyers and sellers in cyberspace to analyze the determinants and inhibiting factors that can influence the development of online marketing strategies. in PanenMart companies, as well as to formulate and explain alternative strategies that can be applied in developing online marketing strategies at PanenMart Company. The determination of the sample is done intentionally. This research was conducted at PanenMart Makassar company using teleological informants. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that the results show that the determinants of online marketing existing in PanenMart companies are (1) broader in scope, (2) online activities have tend to be more convenient, (3) Payment systems in Indonesia has evolved a lot, while the inhibiting factors are (1) the operation of the website often poses problem (2) the lack of understanding of the function of the site by the customer (3) the level of public trust in e-commerce remains low. The strategy used by crop harvesting companies is to use the business model business model for B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), C2C (Consumer to Consumer), C2B (Consumer to Business) and B2G (Business to Government).
E-Commerce, Communication, Marketing
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Fadhilah Trya Wulandari
a) Program Studi Agribisnis, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar *humaerahannisa[at]
Diversification of food products in the global era such as today requires the right strategy so that products can be accepted by consumers.This study aims to (1) analyze the potential of the development of diversification of bagea, kapurung and dange products in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City, and (2) Analyze the strategy used to develop the diversification of bagea, kapurung and dange product in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City.The research was conducted in Wara District of Palopo City, South Sulawesi Province using purposive informants. The data were analysed using descriptive qualitative analysis.The results of the research indicate that the potential of the development of diversification of bagea, kapurung and dange products in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City as a local food products made from sago are very dependent on the condition of availability of raw materials, equipment resources, human resources, and production processes. The strategies used to develop the diversification of bagea, kapurung, and dange products in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City are (1) to increase the product quality, to innovate the product, to maintain the product characteristics, and to design interesting product for bagea industry (2) to increase the technology of product manufacture, to promote the product as training for kapurung and dange industries.
development, product diversification, sago
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Amanda Pricella Putri
a. Faculty of Agriculture and Fisheries, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Gorontalo, Indonesia
Jalan Prof. Dr. H. Mansoer Pateda No.Desa, Pentadio Tim., Telaga Biru, Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo
*email: dewishintaachmad[at]
b. Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
c. Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM.9, Tondo, Mantikulore, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah
Abstract. The orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) is a valuable food fish. To support the sustainable management of orange-spotted grouper fisheries, it is important to determine the optimum catchable size. The purpose of this study was to determine an optimal catchable size for the orange-spotted grouper stock in Kwandang Bay, North Gorontalo District, Indonesia. Catchable size was determined based on the size at first sexual maturity, fecundity and reproductive potential. The study was conducted from December 2016 to November 2017. The size at first sexual maturity was estimated based on the examination of gonads from 141 specimens, while fecundity was estimated based on a sample of 40 female fish with ripe gonads. The mean total length (TL) at first maturity was 40 cm. Fecundity ranged from 30,526 - 1,395,846 eggs with a mean of 687,025 eggs. Reproductive potential was highest in the size range of 55-64 cm TL. The recommended size for orange-spotted grouper is above 64 cm, in order to enable females to attain their maximum level of egg production before capture and thus contribute to maintaining the stock.
orange-spotted grouper, size at first maturity, fecundity
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Maat Pono
Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, KM.10, Tamalanrea, Makassar - Indonesia 90245
Abstract - Small and medium industries have a strategic role in the national economy, especially in the absorption of labor, distribution of development outcomes, and poverty reduction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the important factors that shaping concepts of supply chain strategy, competitive advantage, and company performance. The population of this study includes all Small and Medium Industries in Mamuju Regency, Majene Regency, and Polman Regency. While, the number of samples was 210 business units. Respondents of this study were managers or business owners of Small and Medium Industries. This study used both descriptive analysis and confirmatory factor analysis as method of analyses. Furthermore, data were analyzed by using IBM AMOS 22 software. The results showed that external and internal integration were important factors that affected supply chain strategies variable. Then, quality, and speed of delivery were important factors that affected competitive advantage variable. In addition, the results of this study found that growth of profit and sales were important factors that influenced business performance variable.
Supply chain strategy, Competitive advantage, Business performance, Small and medium industries
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
1,2Universitas Bosowa, Makassar, Indonesia
3STKP Cokroaminoto, Pinrang, Indonesia
4Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
5Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
Traditional agriculture has always been taking place in rural areas. This agricultural model tends to utilize simple technology and is in accordance with local socio-cultural conditions. The traditional agricultural model is also the opposition of modern agriculture in the concept of a green environment or a green earth. If modern agriculture has many negative impacts on the environment, then traditional agriculture has many positive impacts on the lives of all earth creatures. This paper aims to reveal the actions of farmers in managing their agricultural land based on local knowledge. This research took place in three locations, namely: (1) Labuku Village, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency, (2) Ilan Batu Village, Walenrang Barat District, Luwu Regency, (3) Segeri Village Segeri District, Pangkep Regency. The informants of this study were farmers in the three regions. Each region has 2 informants so that the total were 6 informants. The key informants are each of the traditional leaders, and village officials. Data collection using interview techniques, observation, and study of literature. Data analysis uses Three-Flow techniques namely reduction, categorization, and conclusion. The results showed that traditional farming techniques in Labuku, Ilan Batu, and Segeri Village were characterized by rain-fed rice fields, not using chemical fertilizers as plant fertilizers, rice disease repellent, and rat repellent but instead using betel leaves, betel nuts and lime. Even so, high-quality rice is harvested once a year. The conclusion of this research is that traditional knowledge-based agriculture in the research location always uses the surrounding environment resources. Such methods directly impact on the creation of a green environment and indirectly counteract the negative impacts of modern agriculture
green earth, modern agriculture, traditional agriculture, environmental degradation
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Irine Herdjiono
Musamus University
This study aims to analyze the effect fundamental factor of finance to changes in profit at agricultural sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2017. Population in this study is all agricultural sector companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2017, which are 21 companies. After selection using purposive sampling obtained a sample of 6 companies from 2010 to 2017 so that the total observation of this study was 48. The analytical technique used is multiple linear regression. The research results show that the current ratio, debt to asset ratio and total asset turnover do not affect changes in earnings, price earning ratio has a significant negative effect on earnings changes, and return on equity has a significant positive effect on changes in earnings.
Current Ratio, Debt To Asset Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Return On Equity, Price Earning Ratio, Profit Change.
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
diah angreheni
Agribusiness Study Program, Graduate School Hasanuddin University, Makassar,
90245, Indonesia
Contract farming is a price control through the agreement of sale arrangement between farmer and firm taken before the starting of production process. Red chili price has a great fluctuation due seasonal production. The objective of the study is to analyze the influence factors red chili price on contract farming. The study compares the constraints, participation, and the impact to the price of red chili between contract and non-contract of farmers. The study carried out in Magelang District, Central Java Province on June to August 2019. Survey method was used with purposive sampling method to 45 respondent of non-contract farmers and 40 respondent for contract farmer. The data analysis used were statistical t-test and coefficient of variation. The results of the study indicated that farmer with contract farming has the minimum price of IDR 9000 per kg and increasing following market price, while the selling price of non-contract farming based on the market price which always fluctuated. Factors affect contract farmers are offering fixed price, and market guarantee while the non-contract farmers are least of information about contract farming. Contract farming should be promoted to sustain chili production and farmer income.
Contract farming, Red Chili, Price
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Muh Haidir Hakim
a. Agribusiness Study Program at Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Jalan Printis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
*email: Haidirhakim13[at]
b. Departemen of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Jalan Printis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
c. Departemen of Managemen, Faculty of Economy and Business. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Jalan Printis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
ABSTRACT Agribusiness of cattle is an activity that integrates the development of the agricultural sector simultaneously with the development of industrial sectors and related services in a group of cattle industry from upstream to downstream. This study aims to determine the increase in income of farmers through artificial insemination in agricultural businesses of cattle in the central district of Sinjai, Regency of Sinjai. There are 100 breeders determined on purpose, which consisted of 50 breeders of natural mating cattle and 50 breeders of artificial insemination cattle that were interviewed to be used as data sources. The data analysis uses the income formula and is descriptively explained and uses the artificial insemination efficiency formula. Based on the results obtained from the sale of both natural and artificial insemination cattle, a significant difference can be seen between the two, a natural mating cow can only be worth millions if it is one year old, while the cattle of IB only needs a matter of months to be valued in millions of rupees, it is due to differences in the acceleration of growth between natural mating and the results of the IB that result in income differences between breeders of natural mating and IB, IB breeders experience a significant increase in income compared to natural mating breeders. The majority of the cows sold by breeders in Central Sinjai are bulls, which is quite disturbing for breeders of natural breed cattle due to the fact that many begin to switch to IB when their cows are lustful but do not find bulls. IB is a solution for breeders who do not find bulls, IB is also considered more efficient because it can prevent inbreeding and lesions during mating and the average success rate is high because only once the injection of a cow has been pregnant And, more importantly, the resulting offspring are larger and faster growing and high selling prices.
Increase in income, natural marriage, IB effectiveness
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Amanda Pricella Putri
a. Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
*email: alf.ardiansyah27[at]
b. Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
c. Management Department, Faculty of Economy and Business. Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
ABSTRACT The glutinous corn production in South Sulawesi needs an improvement in terms of economic aspect, therefore, the added value of the corn production is very important, in which the added value represents a commodity value addition because the commodity undergoes the processing, storage, packaging, and transportation processes in the production process. The research aimed at identifying the value chain related to the glutinous corn processing industry, and calculating the added value obtained by every value chain actor. The research used the qualitative and quantitative descriptive method. The value chain actors description was in line with Porters theory concerning the value chain. There were the main activity and supporting activities of the value chain actors. Samples were selected using the purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques, with the monitoring points starting from the industrial actors because the value chain info source could be found out from the home industry actors. The data were analyzed using the Microsoft excel to analyze the amount of expenditure, revenue, income, added value obtained from every value chain actor. The research result indicates that the industry which carries out the processing from the beginning obtains the higher added value ratio than the industry which does not carry out the processing from the beginning. It is expected that the processing industry carries out the glutinous corn production starting from the beginning stage of processing.
Value chain, added value, glutinous corn
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Riskiyani -
(a) Agribusiness Study Program at Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University
(b) Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University
(c) Department of Agri-Food, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar, Indonesia.
Seaweed is one of the leading commodities that has enormous potential supported by sea area of 5.8 million km2 with a total area of seaweed cultivation reaching 1.110.900 ha (LIPI, 2009). South Sulawesi Province became the main center of seaweed in Indonesia with the largest contribution (29%) in 2016, one of which was in the Takalar Regency. One type of kelp cultured in ponds is Glacilaria sp. Seaweed production is a strategic step at the level of crop development as it involves a high workload, a simple growing technology, a relatively short planting time of about 45 days (fast yield) and relatively cheap production costs. The growing demand for seaweed from year to year does not follow rising production volumes and fluctuating prices. The purpose of this research is to determine the description of the agrifood subsystem and to determine the productivity of the seaweed company Glacilaria sp. in the regency of Takalar. The design of the research uses qualitative and quantitative types. The number of samples used was 63 people. The method used is observation, interviews and questionnaires. The results of this research are a general description of the agri-food subsystem of seaweed, namely that the seizure process begins at the stage of land supply, facilities and infrastructure, nurseries and maintenance up to the stage of development. exit from harvesting, drying and selling processes. The results of the formulation of productivity, is the use of production, must be lower than the results obtained in terms of inputs, so that the income of fishermen exploiting seaweed Glacilaria sp. can increasing.
Seaweed Gracilaria sp. , agro-industrial subsystems, productivity
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Akhmad Mustafa
a Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension, Maros, Indonesia
* E-mail: akhmadmustafa[at]
b University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Non-shrimp commodities diversification is an alternative for increasing aquaculture production, including brackishwater ponds in Bontoa Subdistrict, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine land characteristics in an effort to determine land suitability for tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in ponds at different seasons. Factors considered in determining land characteristics and suitability are: topography and tide, soil quality, water quality, and climate. Spatial analysis in Geographic Information Systems are used in determining land suitability for tilapia in ponds. The results showed that land of ponds in Bontoa Subdistrict has a slope of less than 2%, a tide of 1.38 m, dominated by acid sulfate soil, low water salinity in rainy season and relatively high of salinity in dry season with rainfall reaches 3,531 mm/year. In rainy season, from 3,072.6 ha of ponds in Bontoa Subdistrict, 252.2 ha classified as highly suitable (S1 class) and 2,820.4 ha is moderately suitable (S2 class) for tilapia, while in dry season which is moderately suitable (S2 class) area of 2,207.9 ha and classified as not suitable (N class) area of 864.7 ha. High water salinity in dry season in Bontoa Subdistrict is main limiting factor for tilapia in ponds.
characteristic, land suitability, brackishwater ponds, Oreochromis niloticus, Maros Regency
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Welly Waworundeng
(a) Faculty of Animal Husbandry Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado
(b) Faculty of Social and Politic Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado
This study aims to analyze the development of livestock farming in North Sulawesi Province, especially the border areas. This research was conducted using a survey method in the border areas in North Sulawesi Province, namely the Sangihe Islands, Talaud, Siau Tagulandang and Biaro. The data are then analyzed descriptively about the the number and types of livestock farms managed by the community, and market opportunities for livestock products. The results showed that livestock farming is very likely to be developed in the border area. All traditional markets in the area sell animal husbandry products in the form of meat and eggs from the city of Manado. The existence of livestock farming is still lacking, so the Regional Government needs to program animal husbandry development through development policies in the area.
border area, development, livestock,
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Amanda Pricella Putri
a. Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah, Universitas Hasanuddin
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
*Email: ramlanjamal[at]
b. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir Terpadu, Universitas Hasanuddin
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Abstract The major threats of coral reefs are anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic factors. The aim of research is to determine the threat level and formulate a strategy to manage coral reefs. The methods used are lyzenga, the analysis threat status, the analysis of hierarchy process and the interpretation of management strategic. Threat assessment was based on experts view obtained through the questionnaire. The result of the research indicate that the low threat level of coral reefs is 225,84 ha (66,3%) dan the moderate threat level is 114,58 ha (33,7%). The result of modelling for the next 20 years indicates that the low threat is 84,03 ha (24,69%), the moderate threat is 238,49 ha (70,06%,) and the high threat 17,88 ha (5,25%). The management Strategies used are watershed conservation, harbour management, the prevention of destructive fishing practice, integrated and sustainable marine tourism management, revitalization coastal settlement and the control of population growth, and adaptive management for coral reef related to global warming Keywords: threat, strategic planning, coral reef
threat, strategic planning, coral reef
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Husnul Hatima
1 Lecturer in the Postgraduate Agribusiness Study Program, Hasanuddin University
2Postgraduate Agribusiness Study Program Students, Hasanuddin University
The agricultural sector is one sector that has an important role in agricultural development in Indonesia. Agricultural development in Indonesia is seen as important from the overall development, because of the large natural resource potential Corn commodity is one of the agricultural sectors that has the potential in regional economic development. This study aims to determine the shape of the corn marketing channel. The study was conducted in Bulukumba Regency. Data collected through observation and interviews with respondents of corn farmers, traders and large traders. The results showed the marketing channel was efficient because there was a one marketing channel for corn commodity. (Farmers to district traders to large traders).
Corn, Marketing, Efficient
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Hamja Abdul Halik
a) Student Doctoral Program in the Postgraduate School of Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia &Lecturer Faculty of Agriculture, Andi Djemma University, Palopo, Indonesia *hamjarisda[at]
b)Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
c)Department of Fisheries Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
The livelihood strategy is fundamental in the lives of residents, including Torani fishermen as an effort to survive or improve their standard of living. The sustainability of the Torani fishermens livelihood pattern is related to the social formation in the mode of production (production power and production relations) that takes place. This research aims to analyze the relationship between the mode of production with a livelihood strategy that is carried out for the sustainability of Torani fishermen in Takalar district. This research develops a Pospositivistic paradigm of descriptive research through a qualitative method using a case study design. Data was collected and analyzed according to the instructions of qualitative research through three stages of activities, namely 1). Data reduction 2). Data exposure and 3). Conclusion and verification. The results of the study indicate that the mode of production that takes place in the torani fishing community is the capitalist mode of production and the non-capitalist mode of production, where the capitalist mode of production dominates the non-capitalist mode of production. The two modes of production provide different income results and become the basis for making a choice of livelihood strategies. Some choices of livelihood strategies that have been carried out are survival strategies, consolidation strategies, accumulation strategies and diversification strategy
Mode of production, sustainabiity, Torani fishermens
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Rudy Immanuel Pundising
Rudy Immanuel Pundising (a), Laode Asrul (b), Mahyuddin (c)
a. Department of Agribusiness, Graduate School Of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
*email : rudypundising83[at]
b. Department of Agronomy. Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
c. Social-Economy of Agriculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture.
Hasanuddin University. Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
PENGARUH COMBINE HARVESTER TERHADAP SOSIAL EKONOMI PETANI PADI SAWAH DI KABUPATEN GOWA Laode Asrul1, Mahyuddin1, Rudy Immanuel Pundising2, 1Dosen Program studi Agribisinis Pasca Sarjana Universitas Hasanuddin 2Mahasiswa Program Studi Agribisnis Pasca Sarjana Universitas Hasanuddin 081355954727, Combine hasvester is a rice harvesting machine technology that was originally developed in South Korea and Japan. Combine hasvester basically as a rice harvester machine that helps farmers in harvesting rice. This technology is very helpful in terms of labor, time, harvest costs and harvesting speed. Increased rice production in the province of South Sulawesi is not only intended to meet regional needs, but it is expected that this increase can contribute to an increase in national rice production. In Gowa Regency, that agricultural equipment and machinery (combine harvester) has been applied to farmers to assist farmers in conducting their farming business, rice production has also begun to increase. With the empowerment of farmers, especially in the application of the combine harvester, the farmers become empowered and have knowledge, so that the sustainability of increased production can be realized. Of course, the production will also have a positive impact on the economy of farmer households that can continue to run well in accordance with the wheels of the daily economy and meet the needs of farmers household lives.
Increase in income, rice, effectiveness of combine harvester
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Fadhilah Trya Wulandari
a) Program Studi Agribisnis, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, *ishakwahyudi24[at]
b) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
c) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar
The preparation of the 2015-2035 National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) through Government Rugulation Number 14 Year 2015 is intended to carry out the mandate of the provisions of Article 9 of Act Number 3 of 2014 concerning Industry and also emphasize the governments seriousness in realizing the objectives of industrial administration, strengthening and clarifying roles government in national industrial development. With the existence of these national regulations, this study discusses to analyze the potential and strategy of developing the cocoa processing industry in South Sulawesi Province as one of the national industrial development goals from aspects of industrial development strategies, determine the location of industrial development, determine the scale of industrial development and development of superior industrial product development. Informants were selected purposively, data processing using descriptive qualitative analysis method in describing regional potential, SWOT analysis for industrial development strategies, and Likert scale approach (ordinal) for location analysis of AHP method development, industrial development scale analysis using CPI analysis and analysis industry leading product development using MPE. The results showed that South Sulawesi Province has the potential to develop the cocoa processing industry supported by the availability of industrial raw materials, the availability of production land, commodities that contribute to the improvement of the regions economy and employment providers. The results of the industry development strategy analysis SWOT method obtained a development strategy in turnaround strategy, in the analysis of the choice of industrial development location shows Luwu District as the location of the first recommendation, on the scale of industrial development analysis recommended industrial development on a large scale, and on the analysis of superior products the most appropriate industrial development currently developed is on industrial intermediate (grinding) products. This study concluded that South Sulawesi Province as one of the national cocoa production centers has potential in the development of the cocoa processing industry by implementing research recommended strategies.
Regional potential, Cocoa industry development strategy, SWOT, AHP, CPI and MPE
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Aulia Nurul Hikmah
a. Department of Agribusiness, Graduate School Of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
*email : Aulianurulhikmah[at]
b. Department of Agronomy. Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
c. Social-Economy of Agriculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture.
Hasanuddin University. Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
Rice is a staple food for most of the population in Maros. Therefore, Maros is one of the rice producer regions in South Sulawesi. However, nowadays Maros experienced an intensive conversion of agricultural land to infrastructure development that leads to a decrease in rice production and affects food security in the future. To ensure that rice production in Maros can increase in the coming year, forecasting is needed for the next few years. This research aimed to describe the development of rice production in Maros from 2001 to 2022. The data used in this research were secondary data between 2001 and 2017 from Maros statistics. This research was a descriptive qualitative and quantitative research using Microsoft Office Excel and Minitab 17. The results showed that the development of rice production in Maros fluctuated and tended to increase every year. Based on the projection result, the rice production will have a surplus from 2020 to 2022 if the harvested area and productivity could increase.
Rice, Production, Projection
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Fadhilah Trya Wulandari
a) Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Universitas Hasanuddin
Tackling mine acid water has been carried out chemically and physically so it is not efficient because it can cause new pollutants therefore, biologically the AAT prevention can use the bioremediation technique using sulfate reducing bacteria (BPS) which contains abundanthis research was aimed to analyze out the ability of mangrove sediment in water waste neutralization of acid mine, to analyze out the optimum Power of Hydrogen were produced by the mangrove sediment in water waste neutralization of acid mine, to find out the reduction of sulphate degree, heavy metal manganese and iron produced, to analyze out the texture of the best mangrove sediment in water waste neutralization.The sample of water of acid mine was taken from PT. Pasir Walanae, Lamuru Bone, mangrove sediment was taken from destination touristic of tongke-tongke sinjai. This research used analysis with descriptive method such as collecting the data field, sampling and trial at the laboratory.The finding of this research showed that the mangrove sediment was able to increasing the Power of Hydrogen and decreasing the sulphate degree, able to increasing the value of Power of Hydrogen from 2.24 became 7.02, the optimum Power of Hydrogen was achieved by using mangrove sediment with sand texture 7.02 at the tenth day. Decreasing sulphate degree from 1.171 ppm became 0.625 ppm by using mangrove sediment with sand texture 7.02 at the tenth day, but could not decreasing the content of metal manganese (Mn) and iron(Fe) by using mangrove sediment with sand texture and mud texture because the content of metal in that sediment was highest than the water of acid mine. The best texture of mangrove sediment in neutralization of acid mine was sand texture sediment because the time to neutralization of acid mine was more quickly in neutralizing the Power or Hydrogen and to increase the sulphate degree.
Mangrove, pH, sulphate, manganese, iron.
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Yazid
Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya
Jalan Palembang-Prabumulih KM.32 Indralaya, Ogan Ilir 30662
The objectives of this study were to investigate and estimate the economic, social and ecological benefits of agricultural waste processing and to assess farmers- perception on agricultural waste processing. This research was conducted in Kecamatan Tanjung Lago, Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan. Survey data were collected from farmers selected using disproportionate stratified random sampling. The results showed that the economic benefits of agricultural waste processing were reducing production costs, increasing income of rice and corn farming, and improving the welfare of farmers. The social benefits were raising the nature of cooperation and triggering farmers to have broader knowledge by organizing associations to exchange the knowledge. Whereas, the ecological benefits were reducing air pollution caused by combustion of agricultural wastes, improving soil physical properties and restoring nutrients obtained from agricultural waste processing. The value of economic benefits estimated from agricultural waste processing to produce liquid bacterial fertilizer were 29.4% and 29.8% increase in income of rice farmers and maize farmers respectively. The overall score of perception of farmers applying agricultural waste processing was higher than those not applying.
benefit, perception, waste
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Bambang Setiawan
a). Student of Study Program Agribussiness, Faculty of Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
b). Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University Makassar
E-mail : bambangsetiawan172[at]
The purpose of this study is to analyze strategies for strengthening various partnership models for cocoa marketing. At the level of the farmers of Polewali Mandar district, the population of this study amounts to 75 farmers divided into 3 groups at the level of the existing partnership models (companies, cooperatives and traders), The analysis technique used consists in using a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to formulate objectives in the form of strategic actions based on external facts and internal facts to determine the strategy. The results showed that the internal factors of this study were: 1) Availability of land for cocoa farms 2) High potential productivity 3) Infrastructure available. The weaknesses of this study are: 1) a minimum of capital contribution, 2) limited availability of technology 3) pest and disease attacks. External opportunities include: 1) strong market demand, 2) ease of market access, 3) opening up investment opportunities, threats from this study 1) land-use change 2 ) price volatility and 3) the extreme climate.
Strategy, Partnership Model, Farmer
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Muh Ikmal saleh
a). Student of Study Program Agribussiness, Faculty of Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan street KM 10, Makassar city 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
*email: muhikmal0102[at]
b) lecturer at the department of social economics , faculty agriculture,Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan street KM 10, Makassar city 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
c)Departmen of managemen, Faculty of Economy and busines, Hasanuddin Unversity, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
ABSTRACT Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) is one of the horticultural products that receives priority for the development of diversified food consumption, so potatoes are one of the most important food products in the world. One type of potato grown by the people of Indonesia is the granola potato. In terms of cultivation, potatoes are more resistant to pests or diseases. Potato granola is one of the important plant products that have potential business opportunities, and is one of the leading commodities in the Tombolo Pao district. The method used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative method that includes: descriptive analysis, agricultural analysis, IFE matrix analysis and EFE, SWOT analysis. The results of the analysis show that the condition of the potato agribusiness system in the Tombolo Pao District still does not work optimally, due to the non-functioning of the upstream subsystem, where the acquisition of production facilities is still carried out individually, which causes the lack of production inputs, that is, the problem of potato granola seeds. In the crop subsystem, potato cultivation has provided farmers with a gain of Rp1,530 / kg with an R / C ratio of 1.25, which means that each rupee cash expense generated will generate an income of Rp1.25. Due to the resulting R / C ratio, it is feasible to develop this farm. In the marketing subsystem, potatoes have been marketed in Kalimantan and Sulawesi Southeast. Prices are determined by collectors. In the downstream (processing) subsystem, not all processed potato entrepreneurs use potatoes as raw material, which makes new potatoes sold in fresh produce. In the service and support subsystems, with the support of agricultural extension workers who accompany and provide information related to potato cultivation, but from the support capital, farmers have not used the credit provided by financial institutions because they still use Private capital. Based on the identification of internal and external factors, several wishes are obtained to move forward and learn from the farmer groups and the government.
Agribusiness, Strategy Development, SWOT
Agriculture system
Corresponding Author
Amanda Pricella Putri
a. Regional Planning and Development / Youth Leadership Management. Graduate School of Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
*email: akbar_pirman[at]
b. Geology Department, Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
c. Social-Economy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
Abstract This article is motivated by the decreasing interest of young workers in the agricultural sector so that the average level of education of workers in this sector is much lower than in other sectors. This study aims to describe the role and perceptions of the youth and analyze strategies for developing the role of the youth in the agribusiness sector of Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in Soppeng District on March to April 2019. The technique used in determining the sample in this study was snowball sampling. Data collection methods used were in-depth interviews, observations, and FGDs (Focus Group Discussion). The data analysis techniques used in this study were qualitative descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The youth prefer to be involved in supporting subsystems (private sector, government policy, BUMN, research and development, education, agribusiness infrastructure, credit and trading facilities) rather than in the marketing subsystems, farming, agricultural production, and processing facilities. The perception that the youth have in mind of the agribusiness sector in Soppeng district. The youth who are involved in agriculture sector for 0-2 years tend to be forced and they even consider it as a side job. Whereas, young people who have been involved for 2-7 years have made their profession as their priority. The strategy for developing the role of youth in agriculture in the agribusiness sector is to improve the capabilities of youth by establishing agricultural schools (vocational or campus), developing forums with specialized organizations focused on agriculture, and increasing government escort for the development of innovation technology and regulation of agricultural prices.
youth, development strategy, agriculture
Agriculture system
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